About the Union

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Creation goals
  • The Association of suppliers of agricultural products
    of Siberia of all forms of ownership, the activities of
    which are associated with the production, storage,
    part-time work, domestic and foreign trade in grain,
    oilseeds and their processed products.
  • Raising the standards of operating activities of
    exporters of the Siberian region, improving the quality
    of supplied products to strengthen their competitive
    position in world markets.
  • Active assistance in the development of the
    agricultural industry in the region in the field of export
    of grain, oilseeds and their processed products.
  • Coordination of entrepreneurial activity of the Union
    members in order to occupy a stable position in the
    world market of grain, oilseeds and their processed products.
  • Expansion of the rights of exporters of agricultural
    products in matters of entrepreneurial activity in the
    market of grain, oilseeds and their processed products.
  • Reducing administrative barriers in the
    implementation of initiatives to develop the export
    potential of the Siberian region and Russia as a whole.
  • Making contacts with foreign partners to promote
    Russian agricultural products on the world market.
  • Assistance in the development of infrastructure and
    logistics for the agricultural market of the Siberian
  • Promoting the introduction of new resource-saving
    technologies and modern scientific and technological
    achievements in the sectors of production, storage and
    processing of agricultural products.
  • Protection of the common property interests of the
    participants of the Siberian Export Union “SEUS”.
  • The Altai Territory
  • Altai Republic
  • Novosibirsk region
  • Irkutsk region
  • Krasnoyarsk region
  • Tyva Republic
  • The Republic of Khakassia
  • Kemerovo region
  • Tomsk region
  • Omsk region
The Altai Territory
SEUS Export Union had been originated in the Altai
Territory. - 2 117 645 hectares of farming lands located
in ecologically clean region, own farming machinery
fleet, developed network of grain elevator complexes
and well-organized logistics. All abovementioned
makes it possible to deliver high quality products to any
part of the world. Favorable geographical position of
district allows to ship the products to Asian countries.
Altai Republic
In the foothill zone of the Altai Republic, SEUS partners
grow buckwheat. This valuable cereal product,
collected here, has all the necessary trace elements:
potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese,
selenium and zinc.
“SEUS” provides the necessary conditions for storage
and part-time production of products collected in the
Altai Republic at all elevators of the association.
Novosibirsk region
The Novosibirsk region is on the 8th place among the
regions of the Russian Federation in the sown area of
​​the main agricultural crops. SEUS partners here grow
wheat (winter and spring), rapeseed, flax, and
buckwheat. The production volumes of these crops are
growing every year. More than 60% of all exported
SEUS products are shipped through the largest railway
interchange in the region.
Irkutsk region
The Irkutsk region is characterized by the concentration
of commodity agricultural production in the southern
forest-steppe regions. Traditionally, wheat (spring),
barley and oats occupy leading positions in the
structure of crop rotation. Since animal husbandry
plays an important role in the region, new cultivated
cultivated areas are sown with fodder crops. SEUS
partners in this region have been supplying three types
of oilcake with high levels of fat and protein.
Krasnoyarsk region
For several years in a row, the Krasnoyarsk Territory
has become a leader in rapeseed production among
Russian regions (183 thousand tons at the end of 2019)
and in second place in terms of gross oat and wheat
harvests. SEUS partners sell 3-4 grades of oil and wheat
from this region for export. Due to the geographical
features of the largest region in Siberia, agriculture is
developing only in its southern regions. The area of
​​useful sown land is 661,663 ha.
Tyva Republic
In the agricultural sector of Tuva, livestock farming is
more developed than crop production. Livestock
breeding in Tyva is primarily represented by sheep and
cattle breeding. SEUS partners in this region have
arranged the supply of three types of oilcake (linseed,
rapeseed and sunflower) that go to livestock feed.
Deliveries are made to the largest dairy farms of the
The Republic of Khakassia
In the agricultural structure of the Republic of
Khakassia, livestock dominates, which accounts for
more than 70% of all manufactured products. The
largest number of free sown areas is occupied by
fodder grasses, as well as wheat (spring and winter),
barley and oats. SEUS has successfully established
export deliveries of these crops. Three types of oilcake
are delivered to the region (linseed, rapeseed and
Kemerovo region
Despite the difficulties of cultivating rapeseed, more
and more farms from this region include this crop in
their crop rotation. Rapeseed oil, which is mainly
exported, and its processed products, such as oilcake,
which are used in animal husbandry, are in great
demand. SEUS partners have established constant
supply of rapeseed from this region, and signed
contracts for several years in advance.
Tomsk region
One important crop export is rapeseed. More than 20
farms are engaged in rapeseed production in the
Tomsk Region, which produce over 19 thousand tons of
products per year. SEUS partners actively cooperate
with all producers of rapeseed and rapeseed oil. The
plans are to double the production volume of this crop.
Omsk region
From this region, the partners of SEUS arranged supply
of cold pressed oil from flax and rapeseed. Due to the
increased demand for flaxseed oil from China and
Norway, the Omsk region has become an important
location for the processing of oilseeds. Growth in
acreage in this region provides most of the oil export.