Environmental Safety Certificates

Environmental certificate
Joint-Stock Company "Siboleum" (production activities are carried out at the site of the Separate Subdivision of Joint-Stock Company "Siboleum" in Aleisky District) successfully completed work on environmental certification of unrefined rapeseed oil and rapeseed cake.

Based on the calculations made in accordance with the "Methodological guidelines for environmental certification of products MU SSK.EKL - 8-01" Certification Body recognized rapeseed oil and rapeseed cake as products with increased environmental friendliness. The test results showed that in all objects of measurement of harmful factors, their concentration does not exceed the permissible one. The measured values ​​turned out to be significantly lower than the maximum permissible concentrations, which gave the final result in the calculation of the level of environmental cleanliness (EC) at the Average degree of reduction of harmful substances (CER)

As a result, Siboleum Joint Stock Company received environmental certificates: No. ROSS RU: SSK.044.1922 for Rapeseed Oil, unrefined, bulk, produced in accordance with GOST 31759-2012; No. ROSS RU: SSK.044.1923 for "Rapeseed cake in bulk or in soft specialized disposable containers (FIBC), made of polypropylene fabric, with and without a polyethylene liner", manufactured in accordance with GOST 11048-95.

JSC "Siboleum" constantly demonstrates the organization's commitment to continuous business improvement.
